Bytedict Encoding

Max Ganz II @ Redshift Observatory

24th October 2021

The bytedict dictionary contains up to 256 entries, but the final entry is always used as an end-of-dictionary marker and so does not hold a value from the block. The dictionary holds a copy of the values which are placed in the dictionary and so its size varies according to the size of the column data type; varchar are stored with their full DDL length, regardless of the string length. The dictionary is stored in the block, so a large dictionary means less storage space for values. The dictionary is populated by up to the first 255 distinct values in the block (and so is affected by sorting), but is only as large as it needs to be, rather than always being the size of 256 entries. A value which is present in the dictionary is replaced by a one byte index into the dictionary. A value which is not present in the dictionary is written out in full, plus a one byte overhead. A NULL (as opposed to NOT NULL) bytedict column consumes an additional 1 bit per value, even for varchar, which normally consumes an additional 1 byte per value.


Redshift is a column-store relational database, which means that each column in a table is stored contiguously.

It is often the case that the data in a single column has similar characteristics - for example, might be all names, or ages, or say integer values within a given range; in other words, data which is far from randomly distributed across the value range for the data type of the column.

This provides an opportunity for unusually effective data compression, as well as an opportunity to blunder terribly, as Redshift offers a range of data compression methods (known in the Redshift documentation as “encodings”), most of which work spectacularly well with and only with data which expresses the characteristics necessary for that data compression method, and which often works spectacularly badly with data lacking those characteristics.

It is then necessary to understand the type of data characteristics suitable for each of the data compression methods offered by Redshift, as well of course as the behaviours and limitations of the data compression methods, so the good choices can be made when selecting data compression for columns.

This document is one in a series, each of which examines one data compression method offered by Redshift, which here investigates the bytedict encoding.

Test Method

A unsorted table is created which stores all rows on a single slice, and which possesses an int8 not null column which uses bytedict encoding.

The bytedict dictionary is documented as holding 256 values, so this column is populated with the values 0 to 255, inclusive both ends, to fill the dictionary.

Then rows are inserted (using a self-join, with a full vacuum and analyze after every insert), using the value 0, which is expected to be in the dictionary, until the first block is full (which is known by a second block being formed).

We then examine how many rows are present in the first block.

This process is repeated, dropping and remaking the table every time, but with the values 254, 255 and 256, checking the size of the dictionary.

The next tests focus on varchar.

The first creates an unsorted table, which as before stores all rows on a single slice, which possesses a varchar(1) not null column, using bytedict encoding.

A single 1 byte string is created and inserted as many times as possible into the table, using self-join, with a full vacuum and analyze after each insert, until the first block is full (know as a second block is now in existence).

We then count the number of rows in the first block.

This test is then repeated, but with the DDL indicating a 65535 length varchar. The string used remains 1 byte in length.

The tests seem fairly minimal, but in fact knowing what was inserted and the number of rows allows us to deduce the answers to all the open bytedict questions.


The results are given here for ease of reference, but they are primarily presented, piece by piece along with explanation, in the Discussion.

See Appendix A for the Python pprint dump of the results dictionary.

The script used to generated these results in designed for readers to use, and is available here.

Test duration, excluding server bring-up and shut-down, was 65 seconds.

dc2.large, 2 nodes (1.0.32574)

Insert Value Rows Block Size Bytes/Value
0 1046405 1048576 1.002075
254 1046405 1048576 1.002075
255 116495 1048576 9.001039
256 116495 1048576 9.001039
Insert Value Rows found in Dict Rows not found in Dict Total Bytes for Rows Unused Space
254 1046405 0 1046405 2171
255 255 116240 1046415 2161
Insert Value Bytes Remaining Dict Size Unused Space
254 2171 2040 131
255 2161 2040 121
1 NOT NULL 1048455
65535 NOT NULL 917387
1 NULL 931960


We begin with the official docs, which can be found here.

The docs state that each block has a table, with 256 entries, each entry storing a one-byte value which is the index number of the entry and also a value from the column, where when that value is seen in the block, it is replaced by the one byte value from the table.

This doesn’t make sense, and I suspect this is garbled version of what you would think actually happens, which is that the table stores 256 values, and when those values are seen in the data, they are replaced by a one byte index (implicitly known) which is their position in the table.

There’s no mention of how the values are chosen, or if they can be replaced. It’s not clear if the table is stored in the block or not (the docs say “a separate dictionary of unique values is created”). It is stated that if a value is found which is not in the table, it is stored in its full, uncompressed length, but there is no mention of any overheads in this case.

So the questions are;

  1. How are the table values chosen?
  2. How much overhead is there for each table entry?
  3. How much overhead is there for a value which is outside of the table?
  4. Where is the table stored?

My guess is that the values are chosen on the basis of being the first distinct 256 values in the column.

The first test is to create an unsorted table which stores all its blocks on one slice, where the table has a not null int8 column using bytedict, where I first store the values 0 to 255, inclusive both ends, which should fill the dictionary, and then fill the rest of the first block with the value 0, which should be in the dictionary.

I then repeat this test, but with a few more values - 254, 255 and 256 (from knowledge obtained from prior experimentation).

The goal here is to store a value which is outside of the dictionary, which should be stored with the normal 8 bytes of an int8, but we will also then see what overhead there is for being outside of the dictionary.

These are the numbers we find, where the “Insert Value” is the single value being used to populate the block once the dictionary has been written.

Insert Value Rows Block Size Bytes/Value
0 1046405 1048576 1.002075
254 1046405 1048576 1.002075
255 116495 1048576 9.001039
256 116495 1048576 9.001039

We observe;

  1. The table is actually 255 entries, not 256.
  2. When a value is in the dictionary, it is indeed replaced by a single byte.
  3. When a value is not in the dictionary, the value is indeed written in full, and the overhead is an additional 1 byte.
  4. The dictionary has been populated by the first 255 distinct values in the block, and these are not replaced by later values, no matter how often they appear in the block.

Knowing all this now, we can examine this data a bit more deeply.

Insert Value Rows found in Dict Rows not found in Dict Total Bytes for Rows Unused Space
254 1046405 0 1046405 2171
255 255 116240 1046415 2161

We know the size of a block (one megabyte), and we can directly compute the space taken by rows (one byte for every row in a dictionary, nine bytes for every row outside). Working out then the number of rows found in the dictionary, the number not found in the dictionary we know the total number of bytes for rows, and we find there’s some unused space.

A dictionary for int8 of 255 elements which are 8 bytes each is 2040 bytes.

It rather looks like the dictionary is in the block.

That would make sense, in fact, in general : blocks are independently compressed and from a software engineering point of view you’d want them to be wholly independent - that whenever you have a block, you have in your hand everything you need to access and use the data in that block.

A “separate dictionary”, in the sense of being separate from the block, wouldn’t make sense, both from that design perspective, but also from a fundamental Big Data point of view. Whenever you picked up a bytedict block, you would then have to do some extra work to find the dictionary - and were that to involved a disk seek, then death and ruin - you’ve just lost your capability to process Big Data in a timely manner.

If we take it then the dictionary is in the block, we then note we have a little unused space.

Insert Value Bytes Remaining Dict Size Unused Space
254 2171 2040 131
255 2161 2040 121

That’s quite curious. There’s room for some more values to be stored, whether they are inside or outside of the dictionary. What gives?

So, all disk I/O in Redshift is in one megabyte blocks, which is to say, 1,048,576 bytes. I note in the official docs about geometry one of the limitation is that the maximum size of a geometry type is 1,048,447 bytes, which leaves 129 bytes unaccounted for.

Interesting, eh? almost what we see here and that has the feel of a per-block header to me.

So now we have a pretty good idea of what’s going on with bytedict;

  1. The dictionary is in the block.
  2. The dictionary has 255 elements.
  3. The values stored in the dictionary are the first 255 distinct values in the block.
  4. When a value in the block is in the dictionary, it is replaced by a single byte.
  5. When a value in the block is not in the dictionary, it is written in full, plus a one byte overhead.
  6. Blocks have a little bit of unused space.

Wouldn’t it have been nice if all this was just in the documentation in the first place?

By the way, as an side, given that NULL is implemented for almost all data types as a one bit flag for each value, couldn’t not-in-dictionary have been implemented as a one bit flag also?

A few more questions come to mind;

  1. Does the dictionary always consume the space required for 255 entries, or does it consume only the space required for the actual number of entries?
  2. What happens with varchar? the dictionary seems to be index based, but varchar vary in length. It’s not obvious how those two work together.
  3. What happens with NULL? it a NULL value is taken into the dictionary, so we have a dictionary entry for NULL, or does each value in the block still carry a bit (everything but varchar) or a byte (varchar) which is used as a flag to indicate the value is NULL?

These questions can be answered with three more tests; create a table with a varchar(1) not null, storing a 1 byte string as many times as possible, and then see how many rows are in the first block. Repeat this, but change the DDL to ‘null’. Then repeat again, still with a 1 byte string, but now with the DDL specifying a varchar(65535) not null.

1 NOT NULL 1048455
1 NULL 931960
65535 NOT NULL 917387

This is fascinating!

Okay, so, let’s begin with the first the third rows, where all that changes is the length in the DDL - here we see, even though in both cases the actual string is 1 byte, we see when the DDL is 65535 we have 131,068 less values stored in the block.

That demonstrates - although seemingly a bit strangely, given the difference in rows in much larger than the difference in DDL length - that the dictionary entries store the full length of the DDL.

The difference in the number of rows is 131,068.

The size of a dictionary entry when the DDL is 65535 is, naturally enough, 65535; and we immediately note that the difference in the number of rows is almost exactly the size of two dictionary entries, which is 65535*2 = 131,070.

It looks, the two byte difference notwithstanding, awfully like two dictionary entries have been allocated, even though there was only one unique string.

I guess the extra entry is being used to indicate the end of the dictionary, but it seems like an improper method to do so, since it is costly with long data types.

This would explain why the documentation states the dictionary is 256 entries, when really it is 255. It’s because the final entry is being used to mark end-of-dictionary.

This also means the math in the tables for the int8 work above is slightly wrong, since it assumes there are 255 entries in the dictionary. In fact the dictionary is 2048 bytes, not 2040.

Now we can turn to the first and second rows, which examine the behaviour of NULL.

Normally, each value in a varchar column which allows NULL carry each a one byte overhead, used to hold a flag which is set when the value is NULL.

We see that with a 1 byte NOT NULL string, and bytedict, we have 1048455 values in a block.

When we change to NULL, we drop to 931,960 values.

It is immediately apparent that there is not a one byte flag per value; if there was, the size of each value would have doubled, and so the number of rows would be about 500,000 or so.

Similarly, it is also apparent that there still is a NULL marker on a per-value basis, because the number of values is a block has decreased; each value is now taking up a bit space.

In fact, if we look at the numbers, there are 1048455 - 931960 = 116,495 less rows in the block, where each block is one byte in length.

The number of bits in 116495 bytes is 116495 * 8 = 931,960.

We also see the number of rows in the NULL block is 931,960.

We conclude that the NULL marker for bytedict encoded values is 1 bit in length, regardless of the data type.

So, we can infer the following;

  1. The dictionary is only as large as it need to be; it does not reserve space for all entries and so consume that space even when the entries are not used.
  2. With varchar, the dictionary is allocating the DDL length of the string not the actual length. I suspect this may also mean the four byte header is being removed.
  3. The dictionary holds 255 entries, and allocates one extra entry (of the same size) to indicate end-of-dictionary.
  4. Columns with bytedict encoding when NULL (as opposed to NOT NULL) consume an additional 1 bit per value, even with varchar, which normally consumes 1 byte per value.

We can now also make sense of the warning given in the documentation;

Byte-dictionary encoding is not always effective when used with VARCHAR columns. Using BYTEDICT with large VARCHAR columns might cause excessive disk usage. We strongly recommend using a different encoding, such as LZO, for VARCHAR columns.

This warning - like all in the docs - reminds me of an observation made by Richard Feynman in one of his memoirs. He said, basically, that giving people sets of rules, without explaining the principles behind those rules, doesn’t work; people can follow the rules, but because they do not know why those rules exist, they are still going to do lots of things which are wrong.

(This was something which happened during the Manhattan Project. There was a plant where all the research was done, and a plant where the bombs were made. The Army for security reasons wanted the plant were the bombs were made to know nothing about what they were doing - which was a problem, because when you’re handling radioactive materials, there are safety issues you need to know about, or maybe people die or maybe you get a big explosion. The bomb building plant had been given a whole bunch of safety rules, like “don’t put too much Uranium in one pile”. They were following all the rules - but they were doing things like having one pile of Uranium in one room, against the wall, and another pile in the neighbouring room, up against the other side of the same wall. They were following the rules, but getting it wrong, because they didn’t understand the principles.)

However, given what we’ve now learned about the dictionary, we can interpret the warning : the problem is that with varchar, developers often specify long lengths in the DDL but then use short strings. If you do this with bytedict, the dictionary will be huge, taking up most of the space in the block, almost all of it with empty space.


The dictionary contains 256 entries, but only 255 are used; the final entry is an end-of-dictionary marker.

The dictionary is populated by the first 255 distinct values in the block.

The dictionary holds a copy of the values which are placed in the dictionary (and so the longer the data type, the more space the dictionary consumes).

With the varchar type, the dictionary stores the DDL length of the data type, not the length of the actual string. In the extreme case, with varchar(65535), the dictionary holds 15 entries, each 65535 bytes in length, (the final entry, despite being full-size, being used for the end-of-dictionary marker), and is 983,025 bytes in length.

The dictionary is stored in the block.

When a value is in the dictionary, it is replaced by a one-byte value (which is the index of its position in the dictionary).

When a value is not in the dictionary, it is written out in full, with an additional one-byte marker to indicate a non-compressed value.

When a bytedict encoded column is NULL (as opposed to NOT NULL), an additional 1 bit is stored per value, used for a flag to indicate the value is NULL or not. This is true for all data types, including varchar, where varchar normally uses 1 byte for this flag.

Blocks when full (in the sense that the insert of one more record would form a new block) have a little unused space; for example, int8 not null where all values are in the dictionary has 123 bytes of unused space.

The documentation contains a warning, thus;

Byte-dictionary encoding is not always effective when used with VARCHAR columns. Using BYTEDICT with large VARCHAR columns might cause excessive disk usage. We strongly recommend using a different encoding, such as LZO, for VARCHAR columns.

What this is actually referring to is that the full DDL length of a varchar is stored in the dictionary. If you make a varchar with a large DDL length, and then store short strings, the dictionary will be huge, but mainly composed of empty space.

The same is true for long char types, since they also always store the full length in the DDL, but char only goes up to 4096.

Further Questions

  1. This leaves me now with one final question : what comes first, the dictionary or the block?

Does Redshift scan the block for the values which will form the dictionary, build the dictionary, and then populate the block? or does Redshift build the dictionary as it goes along? this can make a big difference; imagine we have a column which is a long varchar, where the block begins with many repeated copies of the same value, and then later has many distinct values.

If the dictionary is built first, it will be full before any encoding is done, and there will not be much space for values, and so not many of the repeated values will be stored; but if the dictionary is built as Redshift goes along, it will begin with just one entry and have lots of room for many of the repeated values, and so maybe occupy most of the block and not have room for the later distinct values.

Remembering that all I/O is in one megabyte blocks, Redshift always reads an entire block then writes the entire block, and that whenever a block is written, it’s being stored permanently and so must be in a sane, readable state, I think it’s going to depend in part on the way in which rows are being added to a block.

If rows are being added one by one, by say single-row insert, then necessarily each row which could go into the dictionary will do so, and that will occur at the time that row is presented, and all rows after that which match that row do so.

However, we can imagine a more reasonable and common scenario where a COPY is being executed, or a VACUUM, or a multi-row INSERT, and so we have a stream of incoming rows. Is the dictionary built up as rows arrive, or is the incoming flow of rows scanned (and buffered) until the dictionary is full? is there even an actual flow of rows? that’s how I would expect the implementation to be designed, but I could be completely wrong.

So I’m not sure, and I need to test, but I need to think of a decent, simple, robust way to test this, and how it may vary in different situations.

Revision History








Appendix A : Raw Data Dump

Note these results are completely unprocessed; they are a raw dump of the results, so the original, wholly unprocessed data, is available.

{'proofs': {'dc2.large': {2: {'bytedict_results': {'int8': {0: 1046405,
                                                            254: 1046405,
                                                            255: 116495,
                                                            256: 116495},
                                                   'varchar': {'ddl_1_string_1': 1048455,
                                                               'ddl_1_string_1_null': 931960,
                                                               'ddl_65535_string_1': 917387}}}}},
 'tests': {'dc2.large': {2: {}}},
 'versions': {'dc2.large': {2: 'PostgreSQL 8.0.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, '
                               'compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red '
                               'Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3), Redshift 1.0.32574'}}}

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