Minimum and Maximum Values by Data Type

Max Ganz II @ Redshift Observatory

13th September 2021

The official Redshift documentation indicates minimum and maximum values for data types. These values contain factual errors, typographic errors, and errors of omission (some data types have no values given). The actual minimum and maximum values are presented. During investigation, it also became clear that the mechanisms used to connect to Redshift - psycopg2, psql, ODBC, etc - all seems to be performing significant data processing, and at times are getting it wrong, leading to behaviour such as the silent modification of inserted values and incorrect values being presented from SELECT. Finally, there appears to be a bug in Redshift’s handling of very small and very large float8 values, such that rather than INSERT failing, the values are inserted but are converted to -/+ infinity.


The official documentation provides minimum and maximum values by data type, but there are factual errors, one or two typographic errors, and, finally, two errors of omission, where float4 and float8 do not have values listed.

This white paper investigates the minimum and maximum values for each data type.

One important matter which became apparent during investigation is that the various mechanisms used to connect to Redshift (psql, psycopg2, ODBC, etc) generally seem to do their own data processing, including value range validation, and at times get it wrong, with consequences such as throwing improper errors, restricting minimum and maximum values, or, worse, even silently changing them.

Test Method

The test script does not explore the minimum and maximum values to find them; rather, I know from prior experimentation what those values are, and I demonstrate this by issuing the minimum and maximum values, and then the next smaller or larger value, respectively, and show the error which occurs.

The script then simply issues a series of INSERT statements, tracking which succeed and which fail, and the results demonstrate then the minimum and maximum valid values, and also any unusual, remarkable or improper behaviour.


See Appendix A for the Python pprint dump of the results dictionary.

Test duration was 296 seconds (includes server bring-up and shut-down time).

dc2.large, 2 nodes (1.0.30840)

Documented Minimums

Data Type Minimum
bool FALSE / ‘f’ / ‘false’ / ‘n’ / ‘no’ / ‘0’
date 4713 BC
float4 Not given
float8 Not given
int2 -32768
int4 -2147483648
int8 -9223372036854775808
numeric(19,0) -9223372036854775808
numeric(38,0) -99999999999999999999999999999999999999
time 00:00:00
timetz 00:00:00+1459
timestamp 4713 BC
timestamptz 4713 BC

Documented Maximums

Data Type Maximum
bool TRUE / ‘t’ / ‘true’ / ‘y’ / ‘yes’ / ‘1’
date 294276 AD
float4 Not given
float8 Not given
int2 32767
int4 2147483647
int8 9223372036854775807
numeric(19,0) 9223372036854775807
numeric(38,0) 99999999999999999999999999999999999999
time 24:00:00
timetz 00:00:00+1459
timestamp 294276 AD
timestamptz 294276 AD

Actual Minimums

Data Type Minimum
bool See Discussion
date 4714-11-24 BC
float4 -340282346638528878701170114963097780224
float8 Too long; see below
int2 -32768
int4 -2147483648
int8 -9223372036854775808
numeric(19,0) -9223372036854775808
numeric(38,0) -99999999999999999999999999999999999999
time 00:00:00.000000
timetz 00:00:00.000000-1559
timestamp 4714-11-24 00:00:00.000000 BC
timestamptz 4714-11-24 00:00:00.000000+0000 BC
Minimum `float8` :  

Actual Maximums

Data Type Maximum
bool See Discussion
date 5874897-12-31 AD
float4 340282346638528878701170114963097780224
float8 Too long; see below
int2 32767
int4 2147483647
int8 9223372036854775807
numeric(19,0) 9223372036854775807
numeric(38,0) 99999999999999999999999999999999999999
time 23:59:59.999999
timetz 23:59:59.999999+1559
timestamp 294276-12-31 23:59:59.999999 AD
timestamptz 294277-01-09 04:00:54.775807+0000 AD
Maximum `float8` :  

General Proofs


Description Value Inserted Insert Result Value Selected
Docs False #1 FALSE Success False
Docs False #2 ‘f’ Success False
Docs False #3 ‘n’ Success False
Docs False #4 ‘no’ Success False
Docs False #5 0 Success False
Docs True #1 TRUE Success True
Docs True #2 ‘t’ Success True
Docs True #3 ‘y’ Success True
Docs True #4 ‘yes’ Success True
Docs True #5 1 Success True
False Valid #1 0 Success False
False Valid #2 00 Success False
False Valid #3 ‘false’ Success False
False Valid #4 ‘fals’ Success False
False Valid #5 ‘fal’ Success False
False Valid #6 ‘fa’ Success False
False Valid #7 ‘fAlSe’ Success False
True Valid #1 1 Success True
True Valid #2 01 Success True
True Valid #3 -1 Success True
True Valid #4 2 Success True
True Valid #5 10000 Success True
True Valid #6 ‘true’ Success True
True Valid #7 ‘tru’ Success True
True Valid #8 ‘tr’ Success True
True Valid #9 ‘tRuE’ Success True
True Valid #10 ‘ye’ Success True
Invalid #1 ‘oink’ Failure
Invalid #2 ‘truelove’ Failure
Invalid #3 ‘terribletwins’ Failure
Invalid #4 ‘noo’ Failure
Invalid #5 5.5 Failure
Invalid #6 ‘00’ Failure
Invalid #7 ‘01’ Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid 4714-11-23 BC Failure
Minimum 4714-11-24 BC Success
Maximum 5874897-12-31 AD Success
Max Invalid 5874898-01-01 AD Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid -340282346638528878701170114963097780225 Failure
Minimum -340282346638528878701170114963097780224 Success
Theoretical Min -340282346638528859811704183484516925440 Success
Theoretical Max 340282346638528859811704183484516925440 Success
Maximum 340282346638528878701170114963097780224 Success
Max Invalid 340282346638528878701170114963097780225 Failure
-Infinity ‘-Infinity’ Success
+Infinity ‘+Infinity’ Success
NaN ‘NaN’ Success


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid Too long; see below Failure
Min -Infinity Too long; see below Success
Max -Infinity Too long; see below Success
Minimum Too long; see below Success
Theoretical Min Too long; see below Success
Theoretical Max Too long; see below Success
Maximum Too long; see below Success
Min +Infinity Too long; see below Success
Max +Infinity Too long; see below Success
Max Invalid Too long; see below Failure
-Infinity ‘-Infinity’ Success
+Infinity ‘+Infinity’ Success
NaN ‘NaN’ Success
Min Invalid `float8` :  
Min -Infinity `float8` :  
Max -Infinity `float8` :  
Minimum `float8` :  
Theoretical Min `float8` :  
Theoretical Max `float8` :  
Maximum `float8` :  
Min +Infinity `float8` :  
Max +Infinity `float8` :  
Max Invalid `float8` :  


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid -32769 Failure
Minimum -32768 Success
Maximum 32767 Success
Max Invalid 32768 Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid -2147483649 Failure
Minimum -2147483648 Success
Maximum 2147483647 Success
Max Invalid 2147483648 Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid -9223372036854775809 Failure
Minimum -9223372036854775808 Success
Maximum 9223372036854775807 Success
Max Invalid 9223372036854775808 Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid -9223372036854775809 Failure
Minimum -9223372036854775808 Success
Maximum 9223372036854775807 Success
Max Invalid 9223372036854775808 Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid -100000000000000000000000000000000000000 Failure
Minimum -99999999999999999999999999999999999999 Success
Maximum 99999999999999999999999999999999999999 Success
Max Invalid 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Minimum 00:00:00.000000 Success
Maximum 23:59:59.999999 Success


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid 00:00:00.000000-1600 Failure
Minimum 00:00:00.000000-1559 Success
Maximum 23:59:59.999999+1559 Success
Max Invalid 23:59:59.999999+1600 Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid 4714-11-23 23:59:59.999999 BC Failure
Minimum 4714-11-24 00:00:00.000000 BC Success
Maximum 294276-12-31 23:59:59.999999 AD Success
Max Invalid 394277-01-01 00:00:00.000000 AD Failure
Rounding #1 2020-01-01 00:00:00.9999994 AD Success
Rounding #2 2020-01-01 00:00:00.9999995 AD Failure


Description Value Inserted Insert Result
Min Invalid 4714-11-23 23:59:59.999999+0000 BC Failure
Minimum 4714-11-24 00:00:00.000000+0000 BC Success
Maximum 294277-01-09 04:00:54.775807+0000 AD Success
Max Invalid 294277-01-09 04:00:54.775808+0000 AD Failure
Underflow #1 4714-11-24 00:01:00.000000+0001 BC Success
Underflow #2 4714-11-24 00:01:00.000000+0002 BC Failure
Overflow #1 294277-01-09 03:59:54.775807-0001 AD Success
Overflow #2 294277-01-09 03:59:54.775807-0002 AD Failure
Rounding #1 2020-01-01 00:00:00.9999994 AD Success
Rounding #2 2020-01-01 00:00:00.9999995 AD Failure



The Redshift docs specify six values which mean false and six values which mean true. The docs are correct in that the values documented do indeed behave as described; but upon examination we find other sets of values - including a very strange set - producing valid booleans.

First, all integers, other than zero, produce a true boolean, with 0 producing false. (The docs actually do not list integers as being valid booleans, rather, the single character strings '0' and '1' are listed as valid booleans.)

Second, and this is the very strange set, of the strings which are documented as producing valid boolean values, it turns out that any substring, starting at the beginning of the word, produces a valid boolean.

So for example, the string 'false' produces a valid false boolean; and thus so also do the strings 'fals', 'fal', 'fa' and 'f'. (Although 'f' is documented as a valid value).

This behaviour is case-insensitive, so for example, 'fAlS' produces a valid boolean.

The following strings are documented as producing boolean values, and all exhibit this behaviour;

  1. 'false'
  2. 'true'
  3. 'yes'
  4. 'no'

This, honestly, is so bizarre it’s almost surreal. It violates the principle of strong data typing (especially since it’s undocumented), but it’s practically impossible to imagine this being implemented by accident - it must be someone thought this was a good idea.

There are two more strings which produce valid booleans, '0' and '1', but they are both one character long. Note in this case the string is not being converted to an integer; the strings '00' and '01' for example do not produce valid booleans (they fail to insert, the same as strings in general).


The documentation indicates the minimum value for date is 4713 BC, the maximum 294276 AD. No month or day are given.

It turns out the leader node and worker nodes are using different representation of dates.

The leader node is using the AD/BC standard, where there is no year 0, and dates are written with a positive number for years, but a BC indicator for years prior to 1 AD), e.g. 4000-01-01 BC.

The worker nodes are using the ISO 8601 standard, where there is a year 0, and dates are written where years can be a negative number and there is no BC indicator, e.g. -3999-01-01.

Where AD/BC has no year 0, but ISO 8601 has a year 0, the year specifed by 4000-01-01 BC is also the year specified by -3999-01-01.

Redshift worker nodes accept only AD/BC notation, but emit only ISO 8601, and as such cannot accept their own output for BC dates.

The leader node accepts and emits AD/BC notation.

The leader node has an actual minimum date of 4713-01-01 BC and a maximum date of 5874897-12-31 AD.

The worker nodes have an actual minimum date of 4714-11-24 BC (which in ISO 8601 is -4713-11-24) and a maximum date of 5874897-12-31 AD.

So it looks like for the minimum year the documentation is confused about, or doesn’t know about, the two different representations in use, and so has the correct year in AD/BC notation for the leader node, but the incorrect year for the worker nodes.

The documentation also does not mention the peculiar month and day values for the worker node minimum date.

For the maximum year, the documentation is simply wrong.

In fact the maximum year given is the maximum year for the timestamp type (and this is the correct maximum year for that type); I wonder if this was a copy and paste error. The docs are I think not checked by technical staff, so all such errors go undetected.

There is of course no mention that two different date representation systems are in use.

Finally, note all BC dates can be inserted, but not selected, with both psycopg2 and the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver. I think what’s happening is that both are expecting as is the case with Postgres AD/BC format output, but they’re getting ISO 8601, and they both reject it when parsing.


The documentation does not provide a minimum or maximum value for float4.

This data type under the hood is an IEEE-754 32-bit single precision floating point number, and so is composed of a sign bit, an exponent, and a mantissa. An exponent which is all 1 is used for special values (infinity and “Not a Number”) and so the largest exponent which represents a number is all 1 except for the least significant bit. The mantissa is simply used as-is, no special values, so the largest mantissa is all 1.

This mathematically gives us the largest value as (2^127) * (2 - (1 / (2^23))), the negative version of this value being the minimum, the positive version the maximum (as 754 type floats have a sign bit).

Now, the integer value we get from this is 340282346638528859811704183484516925440, and when we insert this, and then select the value we inserted, we get -3.4028235e+38 (this is with set extra_float_digits to 2;)

However, I think due to the inherent inaccuracy of floating point values, the actual largest number you can insert without insert failing is 340282346638528878701170114963097780224.

To my pleasant surprise, it turns out Redshift can handle in INSERT the full range of float4 values actually written out in full as an integer, like so;

insert into table_1 ( column_1 ) values ( (340282346638528878701170114963097780224)::float4 );


The documentation does not provide a minimum or maximum value for float8.

There were complications involved in figuring out the minimum and maximum values for float8.

To explain, I first need to explain the nature of a float8, and so the expected minimum and maximum values, so I can then by contrast explain what was actually found.

This data type under the hood is an IEEE-754 32-bit single precision floating point number, and so is composed of a sign bit, an exponent, and a mantissa. An exponent which is all 1 is used for special values (infinity and “Not a Number”) and so the largest exponent which represents a number is all 1 except for the least significant bit. The mantissa is simply used as-is, no special values, so the largest mantissa is all 1.

This mathematically gives us the largest value as 2^1023 * (1 + (1 - (1/2^52))), the negative version of this value being the minimum, the positive version the maximum (as 754 type floats have a sign bit).

The integer value we get from this is 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368, which is in theory the largest number we can store (and the negative version of this number is the smallest number we can store).

Now, the first issue we find is that the larger number we can actually get away with storing is in fact 179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497791.

I think this is permitted because of the inherent inaccuracy of floating point numbers; I guess - but I have not looked and proved it - that this number in fact ends up being the theoretical maximum and so it is allowed.

As such, we would then expect if we add one to this actual maximum, insert would fail.

This brings us to the second issue; INSERT does not fail. What happens now is that when you select the value you inserted, to examine it, you get back Infinity.

That’s definitely wrong.

You see, if you want to insert positive or negative infinity, you do so by inserting the strings '+Infinity' or '-Infinity'. Any actual number, which is out of range, has to be rejected by insert - just as inserting 100,000 into a signed two-byte integer has to be rejected.

We find then that the range of numbers which leads to Infinity being selected continues all the way up to and including 179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137215.

It is only when we add one to this number that we finally get INSERT to fail.

(All of this is mirrored with negative numbers, as would be expected - the only difference being the sign bit is now set.)

So that’s one of the problems.

The second problem I think is from the Python module psycopg2.

So, we have these four numbers as described above - the theoretical maximum, the actual maximum, the beginning of the improper positive infinity range, the end of the positive infinity range (the first insert which fails).

After an insert, selecting the value inserted, using psycopg2, has the number come back as 'inf', which is positive infinity.

That’s wrong, for sure, because at the very least the theoretical maximum definitely isn’t positive infinity; the exponent doesn’t have all bits set to 1.

However, if the value being selected is cast to varchar, then the first two values (theoretical maximum and actual maximum) both become actual numbers - they stop being returned as 'inf'. The other two numbers (beginning and end of positive infinity) both still come back as 'Infinity'.

This behaviour is not found with psql, issuing insert and select by hand; here we always get what we get when casting to varchar when using psycopg2.

So where does this leave us?

  1. It looks like the code to return float8 in psycopg2 is bugged (I’ve not investigated to find out how small the value has to become for the float8 code to return the value correctly).
  2. It looks like the code in Redshift to handle float8 above the actual maximum is bugged


This is a simple signed two-byte integer, and the documented minimum and maximum values are correct.


This is a simple signed four-byte integer, and the documented minimum and maximum values are correct.


This is a simple signed eight-byte integer, and the documented minimum and maximum values are correct.


Up to and including 19 scale, numeric is under the hood a simple signed eight-byte integer. The minimum and maximum values of a signed eight-byte integer are less than that supported by scale 19, and so the minimum and maximum values for scale 19 are actually that of the signed eight-byte integer. This is documented.


At 20 scale and above, numeric is under the hood a simple signed sixteen-byte integer. The minimum and maximum values of a signed sixteen-byte integer are quite a bit larger than that supported by scale 38, and so the minimum and maximum values for scale 38 (a 38 digit base 10 number) are the limits. This is not documented, but it is obvious.


The documented minimum is 00:00:00, which is correct, but the documented maximum is 24:00:00, which is not; the author obviously was looking to indicate the end of the day, but the time for that is actually 23:59:59.999999.


So, there are three errors here.

  1. As with time, the minimum value of 00:00:00 is correct but the maximum value is incorrect, but now it’s incorrect in a different way =-) rather than being 24:00:00, it’s now 00:00:00, which is like saying the range is from say 10:00:00 to 10:00:00, which is a range of zero. Again, the correct final time is 23:59:59.999999.
  2. The second error is typographic; both the minimum and maximum times indicate a ‘+’ for the timezone difference. This needs to be a - for the minimum time.
  3. The third error is the maximum amount of timezone difference. The documentation has this as 1459, which is to say, fourteen hours and fifty-nine minutes. In fact, it is 1559.

This is probably a good time (see what I did there :-) to mention that I have, through finding over the years in the docs a range of blatant fundamental factual errors, come absolutely to the view that no one technical proof reads the documentation.

My guess is someone explains the matter in hand to the author, who is not technical, he does his best to write what he understands, and no one checks the result - and in all of this is the constant effort by all involved to obfuscate everything which is not a strength.


As with date, the minimum value is actually 4714-11-24 00:00:00.000000 rather than 4713 BC. The maximum value is correctly documented.

Timestamps in Redshift have six fractional digits, but you can actually specify more; they will be rounded off to six digits - but this rounding works only for the fractional part of the second. If the rounding would cause the timestamp to increment the number of seconds, the INSERT will fail.

So you can enter, say, 2020-01-01 00:00:00.9999994 AD and this will be okay, and will be rounded to 2020-01-01 00:00:00.999999 AD, but if you enter 2020-01-01 00:00:00.9999995 AD, which would require rounding up and so changing the number of seconds, the INSERT fails.


Both the minimum and maximum values are incorrect, but not by much, although the maximum is incorrect in a very peculiar way.

The minimum value is only wrong in the way the other date and timestamp data types are wrong; the documented value is 4713 BC but is actually 4714-11-24 00:00:00.000000+0000 BC.

The maximum value is documented as 294276 AD, but is in fact the very strange value 294277-01-09 04:00:54.775807+0000 AD.

Even one microsecond more produces an invalid value. Why is it the maximum timestamptz involves 775807 microseconds? I feel like Isidor Rabi.

It is not possible to insert a timestamp which is outside of the minimum or maximum timestamp but, which once the timezone difference is applied, will fall within the minimum and maximum range. The timestamp, regardless of its timezone difference, must always be within the minimum and maximum range.

Finally, rounding occurs as with timestamp.


The boolean data type has unexpected behaviour with regard to the four strings, false, true, yes and no, which are valid booleans; any case-insensitive substring, starting from the beginning of the string, is also a valid boolean.

The date type on the leader node uses AD/BC notation, where there is no year 0, but on the worker node uses ISO 8601 notation, where there is a year 0.

The differences in the handling of year 0 mean the documented minimum value for date, which is given in AD/BC format as 4713 BC, is correct for the leader node, but incorrect for the worker nodes, where the minimum date is 4714 BC (which converts in ISO 8601 format to the year -4713).

Additionally, the documentation gives only the year of the minimum date, which rather implies the 1st January. This is correct for the leader node, but incorrect for the worker nodes, where the minimum date, oddly, is 4714-11-24 BC.

Note the leader node accepts and emits AD/BC notation. Worker nodes accept AD/BC notation but emit ISO 8601 notation; worker nodes cannot accept what they emit.

The documented maximum value for date, which is 294276 AD, is wrong, for both the leader and worker nodes. The actual value for both leader and worker nodes is 5874897-12-31 AD.

With floating point types, there is a theoretical maximum (as defined by the IEEE-754 standard) and an actual maximum, where I believe (but have not confirmed) the inherent inaccuracy of floating point values causes the actual maximum to become the theoretical maximum and so be a valid number.

The float8 data type appears to be bugged, in that the value range above the actual maximum, up to a value some way above that, produces +Infinity, when it should cause INSERT to throw an error (the same being true of course for the minimum, except the value there being -Infinity).

The Python module psycopg2 also appears to be bugged in its handling of float8, in that when selecting values at and above the theoretical maximum, it always returns 'inf' (for Infinity), but if the value being selected is cast to varchar, it returns for the theoretical and actual maximum the actual and correct floating point value.

The Amazon Redshift ODBC driver seems to be bugged, being unable to handle negative dates (BC). The driver was not investigated beyond this finding, except to note it seems very large (the library file is fifty-nine megabytes in size; I’d expect one or two megabytes).

In general the mechanisms used to connect to Redshift seem to need to be under genuine and active suspicion and the results found, especially when working near the extremes of value ranges, may be a result of the connection mechanism going awry rather than being results actually from Redshift.

There are minor but confusing documentation errors for the time and timetz types, and a somewhat more significant error, in that the maximum timezone difference is documented as 1459 (fourteen hours, fifty-nine minutes) but in fact is actually 1559.

With timestamp and timestamptz, timestamps with more than the normal six fractional digits can be specified, and the fractional part will be rounded, but the rounding is not permitted to modify the seconds column; if it would, the INSERT fails (e.g. .9999994 is fine, but .9999995 will fail to insert).

The documented maximum value for timestamptz is 294276 AD, but is in fact the completely bizarre and unexpected 294277-01-09 04:00:54.775807+0000 AD. Who ordered this?

With timestamptz, the timestamp entered, regardless of the timezone difference, must always be within the minimum and maximum values. A timestamp which is outside of those values, but which would after the timezone difference is applied come to be within them, will be rejected by INSERT.

Unexpected Findings

When you investigate Redshift, there are always unexpected findings.

  1. One general finding was that the various mechanisms through which you communicate with Redshift - psycopg2, ODBC, psql, etc - is that many of these mechanisms perform their own value range checking and at times get it wrong.

  2. The Amazon Redshift ODBC driver appears to be unable to handle BC dates.

    Inserting and then selecting the date 2000-01-01 AD' works fine, but then we find the date2000-01-01 BC’ can be inserted, and can be selected, but when iterating over the results from the select produces the error;

    pyodbc.DataError: ('22007', "[22007] [Amazon][Support] (40481) Invalid date format for '-1999-01-01'. The format should be [-]YYYY-MM-DD. (40481) (SQLGetData)")

    Just in case you’re thinking the insert format is wrong, and should be -2000-01-01, inserting that gives the error;

    pyodbc.DataError: ('22009', '[22009] [Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (30) Error occurred while trying to execute a query: [SQLState 22009] ERROR: time zone displacement out of range: "-2000-01-01" (30) (SQLExecDirectW)')

    It looks like Redshift itself is fine, but the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver is incorrectly handling BC dates and falling over.

    I’ve not tried any other data types; this white paper is about Redshift, not about connection mechanisms.

  3. The Amazon Redshift ODBC driver is fifty-nine megabytes in size. For what it’s doing, this is staggeringly enormous. What’s going on?

Revision History






Appendix A : Raw Data Dump

Note these results are completely unprocessed; they are a raw dump of the results, so the original, wholly unprocessed data, is available.

{'proofs': {'dc2.large': {2: {'bool': {'Docs False #1': ('FALSE',
                                       'Docs False #2': ("'f'",
                                       'Docs False #3': ("'n'",
                                       'Docs False #4': ("'no'",
                                       'Docs False #5': ('0',
                                       'Docs True #1': ('TRUE',
                                       'Docs True #2': ("'t'",
                                       'Docs True #3': ("'y'",
                                       'Docs True #4': ("'yes'",
                                       'Docs True #5': ('1',
                                       'False Valid #1': ('0',
                                       'False Valid #2': ('00',
                                       'False Valid #3': ("'false'",
                                       'False Valid #4': ("'fals'",
                                       'False Valid #5': ("'fal'",
                                       'False Valid #6': ("'fa'",
                                       'False Valid #7': ("'fAlSe'",
                                       'Invalid #1': ("'oink'",
                                       'Invalid #2': ("'truelove'",
                                       'Invalid #3': ("'terribletwins'",
                                       'Invalid #4': ("'noo'",
                                       'Invalid #5': ('5.5',
                                       'Invalid #6': ("'00'",
                                       'Invalid #7': ("'01'",
                                       'True Valid #1': ('1',
                                       'True Valid #10': ("'ye'",
                                       'True Valid #2': ('01',
                                       'True Valid #3': ('-1',
                                       'True Valid #4': ('2',
                                       'True Valid #5': ('10000',
                                       'True Valid #6': ("'true'",
                                       'True Valid #7': ("'tru'",
                                       'True Valid #8': ("'tr'",
                                       'True Valid #9': ("'tRuE'",
                              'date': {'Max Invalid': ('5874898-01-01 AD',
                                       'Maximum': ('5874897-12-31 AD',
                                       'Min Invalid': ('4714-11-23 BC',
                                       'Minimum': ('4714-11-24 BC',
                                                   '4714-11-24 BC')},
                              'float4': {'+Infinity': ("'+Infinity'",
                                         '-Infinity': ("'-Infinity'",
                                         'Max Invalid': ('340282346638528878701170114963097780225',
                                         'Maximum': ('340282346638528878701170114963097780224',
                                         'Min Invalid': ('-340282346638528878701170114963097780225',
                                         'Minimum': ('-340282346638528878701170114963097780224',
                                         'NaN': ("'NaN'",
                                         'Theoretical Max': ('340282346638528859811704183484516925440',
                                         'Theoretical Min': ('-340282346638528859811704183484516925440',
                              'float8': {'+Infinity': ("'+Infinity'",
                                         '-Infinity': ("'-Infinity'",
                                         'Max +Infinity': ('179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137215',
                                         'Max -Infinity': ('-179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497792',
                                         'Max Invalid': ('179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216',
                                         'Maximum': ('179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497791',
                                         'Min +Infinity': ('179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497792',
                                         'Min -Infinity': ('-179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137215',
                                         'Min Invalid': ('-179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216',
                                         'Minimum': ('-179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497791',
                                         'NaN': ("'NaN'",
                                         'Theoretical Max': ('179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368',
                                         'Theoretical Min': ('-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368',
                              'int2': {'Max Invalid': ('32768',
                                       'Maximum': ('32767',
                                       'Min Invalid': ('-32769',
                                       'Minimum': ('-32768',
                              'int4': {'Max Invalid': ('2147483648',
                                       'Maximum': ('2147483647',
                                       'Min Invalid': ('-2147483649',
                                       'Minimum': ('-2147483648',
                              'int8': {'Max Invalid': ('9223372036854775808',
                                       'Maximum': ('9223372036854775807',
                                       'Min Invalid': ('-9223372036854775809',
                                       'Minimum': ('-9223372036854775808',
                              'numeric(19,0)': {'Max Invalid': ('9223372036854775808',
                                                'Maximum': ('9223372036854775807',
                                                'Min Invalid': ('-9223372036854775809',
                                                'Minimum': ('-9223372036854775808',
                              'numeric(38,0)': {'Max Invalid': ('100000000000000000000000000000000000000',
                                                'Maximum': ('99999999999999999999999999999999999999',
                                                'Min Invalid': ('-100000000000000000000000000000000000000',
                                                'Minimum': ('-99999999999999999999999999999999999999',
                              'time': {'Maximum': ('23:59:59.999999',
                                       'Minimum': ('00:00:00.000000',
                              'timestamp': {'Max Invalid': ('394277-01-01 '
                                                            '00:00:00.000000 '
                                            'Maximum': ('294276-12-31 '
                                                        '23:59:59.999999 AD',
                                                        '294276-12-31 '
                                            'Min Invalid': ('4714-11-23 '
                                                            '23:59:59.999999 '
                                            'Minimum': ('4714-11-24 '
                                                        '00:00:00.000000 BC',
                                                        '4714-11-24 00:00:00 '
                                            'Rounding #1': ('2020-01-01 '
                                                            '00:00:00.9999994 '
                                                            '2020-01-01 '
                                            'Rounding #2': ('2020-01-01 '
                                                            '00:00:00.9999995 '
                              'timestamptz': {'Max Invalid': ('294277-01-09 '
                                                              '04:00:54.775808+0000 '
                                              'Maximum': ('294277-01-09 '
                                                          '04:00:54.775807+0000 '
                                                          '294277-01-09 '
                                              'Min Invalid': ('4714-11-23 '
                                                              '23:59:59.999999+0000 '
                                              'Minimum': ('4714-11-24 '
                                                          '00:00:00.000000+0000 '
                                                          '4714-11-24 '
                                                          '00:00:00+00 BC'),
                                              'Overflow #1': ('294277-01-09 '
                                                              '03:59:54.775807-0001 '
                                                              '294277-01-09 '
                                              'Overflow #2': ('294277-01-09 '
                                                              '03:59:54.775807-0002 '
                                              'Rounding #1': ('2020-01-01 '
                                                              '00:00:00.9999994 '
                                                              '2020-01-01 '
                                              'Rounding #2': ('2020-01-01 '
                                                              '00:00:00.9999995 '
                                              'Underflow #1': ('4714-11-24 '
                                                               '00:01:00.000000+0001 '
                                                               '4714-11-24 '
                                                               '00:00:00+00 '
                                              'Underflow #2': ('4714-11-24 '
                                                               '00:01:00.000000+0002 '
                              'timetz': {'Max Invalid': ('23:59:59.999999+1600',
                                         'Maximum': ('23:59:59.999999+1559',
                                         'Min Invalid': ('00:00:00.000000-1600',
                                         'Minimum': ('00:00:00.000000-1559',
 'tests': {'dc2.large': {2: {}}},
 'versions': {'dc2.large': {2: 'PostgreSQL 8.0.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, '
                               'compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red '
                               'Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3), Redshift 1.0.30840'}}}

About the Author

I am a C programmer - kernel development, high performance computing, networking, data structures and so on.

I read the C. J. Date book, the classic text on relational database theory, and having learned the principles, wrote a relational database from scratch in C, which purely by chance set me up quite nicely for what came next, moving into data engineering in late 2011, when I joined as the back-end engineer two friends in their startup.

In that startup, I began using Redshift the day it came out, in 2012 (we had been trying to get into the beta programme).

We were early, heavy users for a year and a half, and I ending up having monthly one-to-one meetings with one of the Redshift team managers, where one or two features which are in Redshift today originate from suggestions made in those meetings, such as the distribution style ALL.

Once that was done, after a couple of years of non-Redshift data engineering work, I returned to Redshift work, and then in about mid-2018 contracted with a publisher to write a book about Redshift.

The book was largely written but it became apparent I wanted to do a lot of things which couldn’t be done with a book - republish on every new Redshift release, for example - and so in the end I stepped back from the contract and developed the web-site, where I publish investigation into, and ongoing monitoring of, Redshift.

So for many years now I’ve been investigating Redshift sub-systems full-time, one by one, and this site and these investigations are as far as I know the and the only source of this kind of information about Redshift.

Redshift Cluster Cost Reduction Service

I provide consultancy services for Redshift - advice, design, training, getting failing systems back on their feet pronto, the usual gamut - but in particular offer a Redshift cluster cost reduction service, where the fee is and only is one month of the savings made.

Broadly speaking, to give guidance, savings are expected fall into one of two categories; either something like 20%, or something like 80%. The former is for systems where the business use case is such that Redshift cannot be operated correctly, and this outcome requires no fundamental re-engineering work, the latter is for systems where Redshift can be operated correctly, and usually requires fundamental re-engineering work (which you may or may not wish to engage in, despite the cost savings, in which case we’re back to the 20%).

Details and contact information are on the web-site.