I’ve had a lot of stuff to sort out over the last month, so until the last few days I’ve hardly touched the initial set of white papers.
However, day before yesterday, I finally got to sit down and get on with some work, and I’ve been evolving the basic test/investigation Python framework for running investigations, as part of evolving and producing the first production-quality white paper.
That works is now done, barring some tidying up.
I’ll finish off tomorrow, and then using that evidence complete the write-up in the white paper, and finally have the first production quality white-paper out on the site.
That leaves about four more to do, before going public.
For those, almost all or all of the basic research has been done long ago, but now I need to produce a production quality Python script to allow users to generate the research data for themselves, and then bring the white papers up to the production standard which has been evolved for the now almost completed first white paper.
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