Redshift Observatory



Problems Rolling Out 16mb SUPER

A bit of heads up -

It looks like AWS have been trying to get 16mb SUPER out and it’s not been going smoothly.

System table tracker page, scroll down to bottom for most recent releases, and you’ll see there’s been a series of releases which flip between 1227/743/2894 (tables/views/functions) and 1255/756/2978. The latter is the 16mb SUPER release.

Looks like three or four attempts so far (there were so many, so quickly, I actually for the first time in two years missed a Redshift release version in the system tracker table).

The latest release, 1.0.62878 is not a roll-back, and has gone out to every region, which is not unheard of but is something that only happens on special occasions.

So it looks like the previous release, 1.0.62614, had issues, but rather than rolling back to before 16mb SUPER, they fixed and released again.

In any event, now is good time to be on the maintenace track.

Weather Report (belated - for 2024-02-02)

I’m going to try putting a massive wait on cluster bring-up, and see if it helps with ra3.

Right now benchmarking is half out of action and has been for over two months in some regions.

Currently the clusters come up, but they do not accept connections in a reasonable period of time, and that’s always been a particular failure mode for cluster bring-up (cluster is up, but cannot be connected to, so it’s like - is this a failure, or not? I’m hoping it’s just now that ra3 takes a long time to become ready.).

region node comment
ap-northeast-1 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
ap-northeast-2 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
ap-south-1 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
ap-southeast-1 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
ap-southeast-2 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
ca-central-1 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
eu-south-1 ra3.xlplus Disk read-write back to normal (~3.5s vs ~7s).
eu-west-2 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
sa-east-1 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
us-east-1 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
us-east-1 ra3.4xlarge Cluster bring-up failed.
us-east-1 ra3.16xlarge Cluster bring-up failed.
us-east-2 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.
us-west-2 ra3.xlplus Cluster bring-up failed.

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