Redshift Observatory

System Table Tracker

System view pg_catalog.svcs_s3catalog version 1.0.105722 / 2025-01-19

schema name column data type
pg_catalog svcs_s3catalog call int4
pg_catalog svcs_s3catalog duration int8
pg_catalog svcs_s3catalog eventtime timestamp
pg_catalog svcs_s3catalog node int4
pg_catalog svcs_s3catalog objects int4
pg_catalog svcs_s3catalog query int4
pg_catalog svcs_s3catalog segment int4

View Text

SELECT map.primary_query AS query,
       CAST('1970-01-01 00:00:00' AS timestamp) + (CAST((CAST(stcs.eventtime AS numeric) / (1000.0 * 1000.0)) + 946684800.0 AS double precision) * CAST('00:00:01' AS interval)) AS eventtime,,
FROM stcs_external_catalog_calls AS stcs
     INNER JOIN stcs_concurrency_scaling_query_mapping AS map ON map.concurrency_scaling_query = stcs.query
WHERE stcs.__cluster_type = CAST('cs' AS bpchar)
  AND to_date(CAST(stcs.__log_generated_date AS text),
              CAST('YYYYMMDD' AS text)) > (getdate() - CAST('7 days' AS interval))
  AND to_date(CAST(map.__log_generated_date AS text),
              CAST('YYYYMMDD' AS text)) > (getdate() - CAST('7 days' AS interval))
  AND CAST(map.concurrency_scaling_cluster AS text) = split_part(CAST(stcs.__path AS text),
                                                                 CAST('/' AS text),

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