schema | name | column | data type |
information_schema | constraint_column_usage | column_name | sql_identifier |
information_schema | constraint_column_usage | constraint_catalog | sql_identifier |
information_schema | constraint_column_usage | constraint_name | sql_identifier |
information_schema | constraint_column_usage | constraint_schema | sql_identifier |
information_schema | constraint_column_usage | table_catalog | sql_identifier |
information_schema | constraint_column_usage | table_name | sql_identifier |
information_schema | constraint_column_usage | table_schema | sql_identifier |
SELECT CAST(current_database() AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS table_catalog, CAST(x.tblschema AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS table_schema, CAST(x.tblname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS table_name, CAST(x.colname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS column_name, CAST(current_database() AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS constraint_catalog, CAST(x.cstrschema AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS constraint_schema, CAST(x.cstrname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS constraint_name FROM (SELECT DISTINCT nr.nspname, r.relname, r.relowner, a.attname, nc.nspname, c.conname FROM pg_namespace AS nr, pg_class AS r, pg_attribute AS a, pg_depend AS d, pg_namespace AS nc, pg_constraint AS c WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = a.attrelid AND d.refclassid = CAST(CAST('pg_class' AS regclass) AS oid) AND d.refobjid = r.oid AND d.refobjsubid = a.attnum AND d.classid = CAST(CAST('pg_constraint' AS regclass) AS oid) AND d.objid = c.oid AND c.connamespace = nc.oid AND c.contype = CAST('c' AS "char") AND r.relkind = CAST('r' AS "char") AND NOT a.attisdropped UNION ALL SELECT nr.nspname, r.relname, r.relowner, a.attname, nc.nspname, c.conname FROM pg_namespace AS nr, pg_class AS r, pg_attribute AS a, pg_namespace AS nc, pg_constraint AS c, information_schema._pg_keypositions() AS pos (n) WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = a.attrelid AND nc.oid = c.connamespace AND CASE WHEN c.contype = CAST('f' AS "char") THEN r.oid = c.confrelid AND (c.confkey)[pos.n] = a.attnum ELSE r.oid = c.conrelid AND (c.conkey)[pos.n] = a.attnum END AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (c.contype = CAST('p' AS "char") OR c.contype = CAST('u' AS "char") OR c.contype = CAST('f' AS "char")) AND r.relkind = CAST('r' AS "char")) AS x (tblschema, tblname, tblowner, colname, cstrschema, cstrname), pg_user AS u WHERE x.tblowner = u.usesysid AND u.usename = CAST("current_user"() AS name)
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