Redshift Observatory

System Table Tracker

System view pg_catalog.svl_mv_refresh_status version 1.0.43720 / 2022-11-13

schema name column data type
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status db_name name
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status endtime timestamp
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status mv_name name
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status refresh_type char(32)
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status schema_name name
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status starttime timestamp
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status status text
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status userid int8
pg_catalog svl_mv_refresh_status xid int8

View Text

SELECT e.datname AS db_name,
       b.nspname AS schema_name,
       d.relname AS mv_name,
         WHEN a.status = -11
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. A base table schema was renamed' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -10
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. Table changed by vacuum/truncate concurrently' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -9
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. Serializable isolation violation.' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -8
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed due to an internal error' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -7
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. Schema of MV was renamed' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -6
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. A base table column was renamed' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -5
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. A base table was renamed' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -4
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. A base table column type was changed' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -3
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. A base table column was dropped' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -2
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed. MV was not found' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = -1
           THEN CAST('Refresh failed due to an internal error' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 1
           THEN (CAST('Refresh successfully updated MV incrementally' AS text) || CASE
                                                                                    WHEN a.no_new_rows = CAST('t' AS bpchar)
                                                                                     AND a.skipped_rows = CAST('f' AS bpchar)
                                                                                      THEN CAST('. Stream returned no new data' AS text)
                                                                                    WHEN a.no_new_rows = CAST('t' AS bpchar)
                                                                                     AND a.skipped_rows = CAST('t' AS bpchar)
                                                                                      THEN CAST('. All records received from the stream were skipped' AS text)
                                                                                    WHEN a.no_new_rows = CAST('f' AS bpchar)
                                                                                     AND a.skipped_rows = CAST('t' AS bpchar)
                                                                                      THEN CAST('. Some stream records were skipped' AS text)
                                                                                    ELSE CAST('' AS text)
                                                                                  END) || CASE
                                                                                            WHEN a.may_have_more_rows = CAST('t' AS bpchar)
                                                                                              THEN CAST('. The stream may contain more data' AS text)
                                                                                            ELSE CAST('' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 2
           THEN CAST('MV was already updated' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 3
           THEN CAST('Refresh successfully recomputed MV from scratch' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 4
           THEN CAST('Refresh could not update MV further due to an active transaction' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 5
           THEN CAST('Refresh partially updated MV incrementally up to an active transaction' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 6
           THEN CAST('Refresh partially recomputed MV from scratch up to an active transaction' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 7
           THEN CAST('Auto refresh aborted due to excessive user workload' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 8
           THEN CAST('MV was already updated, but depends on an MV that is not up to date.' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 9
           THEN CAST('Refresh successfully updated MV incrementally, but MV depends on an MV that is not up to date.' AS text)
         WHEN a.status = 10
           THEN CAST('Refresh successfully recomputed MV from scratch, but MV depends on an MV that is not up to date.' AS text)
         ELSE CAST('Unknown refresh status' AS text)
       END AS status,
FROM stl_mv_refresh AS a, pg_namespace AS b, pg_class AS d, pg_database AS e
WHERE CAST(a.schemaoid AS oid) = b.oid
  AND CAST(a.mvoid AS oid) = d.oid
  AND CAST(a.db_oid AS oid) = e.oid

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