schema | name | column | data type |
pg_catalog | svv_alter_table_recommendations | auto_eligible | text |
pg_catalog | svv_alter_table_recommendations | database | text |
pg_catalog | svv_alter_table_recommendations | ddl | text |
pg_catalog | svv_alter_table_recommendations | group_id | int4 |
pg_catalog | svv_alter_table_recommendations | table_id | int4 |
pg_catalog | svv_alter_table_recommendations | type | text |
SELECT tbl_recos_str.type, tbl_recos_str.database, tbl_recos_str.table_id, tbl_recos_str.group_id, (((((((CAST('ALTER TABLE "' AS text) || tbl_recos_str.schema) || CAST('"."' AS text)) || tbl_recos_str.table_name) || CAST('"' AS text)) || tbl_recos_str.dkr) || tbl_recos_str.comma_dkr_skr) || tbl_recos_str.skr) || tbl_recos_str.enc AS ddl, tbl_recos_str.auto_eligible FROM (SELECT rj.type, rj.database, rj.schema, rj.table_name, rj.table_id, rj.group_id, CASE WHEN len(rj.distkey) = 0 THEN CAST('' AS text) ELSE (CAST(' ALTER DISTSTYLE KEY DISTKEY "' AS text) || rj.distkey) || CAST('"' AS text) END AS dkr, CASE WHEN len(rj.sortkey) = 0 AND rj.type <> CAST('sortkey' AS text) THEN CAST('' AS text) WHEN rj.type = CAST('sortkey' AS text) AND len(rj.sortkey) = 0 THEN CAST(' ALTER SORTKEY NONE' AS text) ELSE (CAST(' ALTER COMPOUND SORTKEY (' AS text) || rj.sortkey) || CAST(')' AS text) END AS skr, CASE WHEN len(rj.encode_col) = 0 THEN CAST('' AS text) ELSE ((CAST(' ALTER COLUMN ' AS text) || split_part(rj.encode_col, CAST(':' AS text), 1)) || CAST('" ENCODE ' AS text)) || substring(split_part(rj.encode_col, CAST(':' AS text), 2), 1, length(split_part(rj.encode_col, CAST(':' AS text), 2)) - 1) END AS enc, CASE WHEN len(rj.distkey) <> 0 AND len(rj.sortkey) <> 0 THEN CAST(',' AS text) ELSE CAST('' AS text) END AS comma_dkr_skr, CASE WHEN (rj.type = CAST('diststyle' AS text) AND CAST(pce0.value AS integer) >= 10) OR (rj.type = CAST('sortkey' AS text) AND CAST(pce12.value AS integer) = 1) OR (rj.type = CAST('encode' AS text) AND CAST(pce14.value AS integer) = 1) THEN CAST('t' AS text) ELSE CAST('f' AS text) END AS auto_eligible FROM (SELECT btrim(CAST(stv_alter_table_recommendations.database AS text)) AS database, btrim(CAST(stv_alter_table_recommendations.schema AS text)) AS schema, btrim(CAST(stv_alter_table_recommendations.table_name AS text)) AS table_name, stv_alter_table_recommendations.table_id, stv_alter_table_recommendations.group_id, stv_alter_table_recommendations.benefit, CASE WHEN stv_alter_table_recommendations.type = 23 OR stv_alter_table_recommendations.type = 25 THEN CAST('diststyle' AS text) WHEN stv_alter_table_recommendations.type = 24 THEN CAST('sortkey' AS text) WHEN stv_alter_table_recommendations.type = 26 THEN CAST('encode' AS text) ELSE CAST(NULL AS text) END AS type, json_extract_path_text(CAST(stv_alter_table_recommendations.col_names AS text), CAST('distkey' AS text)) AS distkey, translate(json_extract_path_text(CAST(stv_alter_table_recommendations.col_names AS text), CAST('sortkey' AS text)), CAST('[]' AS text), CAST('' AS text)) AS sortkey, translate(json_extract_path_text(CAST(stv_alter_table_recommendations.col_names AS text), CAST('encode' AS text)), CAST('[]' AS text), CAST('' AS text)) AS encode_col FROM stv_alter_table_recommendations ORDER BY stv_alter_table_recommendations.benefit DESC) AS rj LEFT JOIN pg_class_extended AS pce0 ON CAST(rj.table_id AS oid) = pce0.reloid AND pce0.colnum = 0 LEFT JOIN pg_class_extended AS pce12 ON CAST(rj.table_id AS oid) = pce12.reloid AND pce12.colnum = 12 LEFT JOIN pg_class_extended AS pce14 ON CAST(rj.table_id AS oid) = pce14.reloid AND pce14.colnum = 14 WHERE rj.type IS NOT NULL) AS tbl_recos_str
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