schema | name | column | data type |
information_schema | role_table_grants | grantee | sql_identifier |
information_schema | role_table_grants | grantor | sql_identifier |
information_schema | role_table_grants | is_grantable | character_data |
information_schema | role_table_grants | privilege_type | character_data |
information_schema | role_table_grants | table_catalog | sql_identifier |
information_schema | role_table_grants | table_name | sql_identifier |
information_schema | role_table_grants | table_schema | sql_identifier |
information_schema | role_table_grants | with_hierarchy | character_data |
SELECT CAST(u_grantor.usename AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS grantor, CAST(g_grantee.groname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS grantee, CAST(current_database() AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS table_catalog, CAST(nc.nspname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS table_schema, CAST(c.relname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS table_name, CAST(pr.type AS information_schema.character_data) AS privilege_type, CAST(CASE WHEN aclcontains(c.relacl, makeaclitem(0, g_grantee.grosysid, u_grantor.usesysid, CAST(pr.type AS text), TRUE)) THEN CAST('YES' AS text) ELSE CAST('NO' AS text) END AS information_schema.character_data) AS is_grantable, CAST(CAST('NO' AS information_schema.character_data) AS information_schema.character_data) AS with_hierarchy FROM pg_class AS c, pg_namespace AS nc, pg_user AS u_grantor, pg_group AS g_grantee, ((((((SELECT CAST('SELECT' AS varchar) UNION ALL SELECT CAST('DELETE' AS varchar)) UNION ALL SELECT CAST('INSERT' AS varchar)) UNION ALL SELECT CAST('UPDATE' AS varchar)) UNION ALL SELECT CAST('REFERENCES' AS varchar)) UNION ALL SELECT CAST('RULE' AS varchar)) UNION ALL SELECT CAST('TRIGGER' AS varchar)) AS pr (type) WHERE c.relnamespace = nc.oid AND (c.relkind = CAST('r' AS "char") OR c.relkind = CAST('v' AS "char")) AND aclcontains(c.relacl, makeaclitem(0, g_grantee.grosysid, u_grantor.usesysid, CAST(pr.type AS text), FALSE)) AND CAST(g_grantee.groname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) IN (SELECT enabled_roles.role_name FROM information_schema.enabled_roles)
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