Redshift Observatory

System Table Tracker

System view pg_catalog.svv_integration_table_state version 1.0.77706 / 2024-11-05

schema name column data type
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state integration_id char(128)
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state last_updated_timestamp timestamp
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state reason char(256)
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state schema_name char(128)
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state table_last_replicated_checkpoint char(128)
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state table_name char(128)
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state table_rows int8
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state table_size int8
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state table_state char(128)
pg_catalog svv_integration_table_state target_database char(128)

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SELECT i.integration_id,
       i.database_name AS target_database,
       i.state AS table_state,
       i.synced_log_coordinate AS table_last_replicated_checkpoint,
       i.last_updated AS last_updated_timestamp,
                CAST(0 AS bigint)) AS table_rows,
                CAST(0 AS bigint)) AS table_size
FROM stv_integration_table_state AS i
     LEFT JOIN (SELECT d.datname AS database_name,
              AS table_id,
                       sum(p.rows) AS sum_rows,
                       sum(p.block_count) AS sum_blocks
                FROM stv_tbl_perm AS p
                     INNER JOIN pg_database AS d ON CAST(p.db_id AS oid) = d.oid
                GROUP BY d.datname, AS s ON s.table_id = i.table_id
                                              AND s.database_name = CAST(i.database_name AS name)

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