schema | name | column | data type |
information_schema | usage_privileges | grantee | sql_identifier |
information_schema | usage_privileges | grantor | sql_identifier |
information_schema | usage_privileges | is_grantable | character_data |
information_schema | usage_privileges | object_catalog | sql_identifier |
information_schema | usage_privileges | object_name | sql_identifier |
information_schema | usage_privileges | object_schema | sql_identifier |
information_schema | usage_privileges | object_type | character_data |
information_schema | usage_privileges | privilege_type | character_data |
SELECT CAST(u.usename AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS grantor, CAST(CAST('PUBLIC' AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS grantee, CAST(current_database() AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS object_catalog, CAST(n.nspname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS object_schema, CAST(t.typname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS object_name, CAST(CAST('DOMAIN' AS information_schema.character_data) AS information_schema.character_data) AS object_type, CAST(CAST('USAGE' AS information_schema.character_data) AS information_schema.character_data) AS privilege_type, CAST(CAST('NO' AS information_schema.character_data) AS information_schema.character_data) AS is_grantable FROM pg_user AS u, pg_namespace AS n, pg_type AS t WHERE u.usesysid = t.typowner AND t.typnamespace = n.oid AND t.typtype = CAST('d' AS "char")
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