schema | name | column | data type |
information_schema | triggers | action_condition | character_data |
information_schema | triggers | action_order | cardinal_number |
information_schema | triggers | action_orientation | character_data |
information_schema | triggers | action_statement | character_data |
information_schema | triggers | condition_reference_new_table | sql_identifier |
information_schema | triggers | condition_reference_old_table | sql_identifier |
information_schema | triggers | condition_timing | character_data |
information_schema | triggers | event_manipulation | character_data |
information_schema | triggers | event_object_catalog | sql_identifier |
information_schema | triggers | event_object_schema | sql_identifier |
information_schema | triggers | event_object_table | sql_identifier |
information_schema | triggers | trigger_catalog | sql_identifier |
information_schema | triggers | trigger_name | sql_identifier |
information_schema | triggers | trigger_schema | sql_identifier |
SELECT CAST(current_database() AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS trigger_catalog, CAST(n.nspname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS trigger_schema, CAST(t.tgname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS trigger_name, CAST(em.text AS information_schema.character_data) AS event_manipulation, CAST(current_database() AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS event_object_catalog, CAST(n.nspname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS event_object_schema, CAST(c.relname AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS event_object_table, CAST(CAST(NULL AS information_schema.cardinal_number) AS information_schema.cardinal_number) AS action_order, CAST(CAST(NULL AS information_schema.character_data) AS information_schema.character_data) AS action_condition, CAST(substring(pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid), position(substring(pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid), 48), CAST('EXECUTE PROCEDURE' AS text)) + 47) AS information_schema.character_data) AS action_statement, CAST(CASE WHEN (CAST(t.tgtype AS integer) & 1) = 1 THEN CAST('ROW' AS text) ELSE CAST('STATEMENT' AS text) END AS information_schema.character_data) AS action_orientation, CAST(CASE WHEN (CAST(t.tgtype AS integer) & 2) = 2 THEN CAST('BEFORE' AS text) ELSE CAST('AFTER' AS text) END AS information_schema.character_data) AS condition_timing, CAST(CAST(NULL AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS condition_reference_old_table, CAST(CAST(NULL AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS information_schema.sql_identifier) AS condition_reference_new_table FROM pg_namespace AS n, pg_class AS c, pg_trigger AS t, pg_user AS u, ((SELECT 4, CAST('INSERT' AS varchar) UNION ALL SELECT 8, CAST('DELETE' AS varchar)) UNION ALL SELECT 16, CAST('UPDATE' AS varchar)) AS em (num, text) WHERE n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.oid = t.tgrelid AND c.relowner = u.usesysid AND (CAST(t.tgtype AS integer) & em.num) <> 0 AND NOT t.tgisconstraint AND u.usename = CAST("current_user"() AS name)
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