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I ran a Twitter account for two years.

I closed the account upon Elon Mask stating that no further aid should be sent to Ukraine, on the basis that - and this really is what is said - Russia is stronger than Ukraine and Putin will not give up.

Europe and the US massively overpower Putin. Ukraine is not on its own, unless we walk away.

What I don't understand is what Mr. Musk thinks is going to happen next?

Putin will pack up his army, settle back in his armchair and smoke a pipe for the rest of his life?

That it stops once Ukraine has been conquered?

The conquest of Ukraine will be horrific. We all know what has happened and what continues to happen in the occupied territories. Who wants to wake up to life knowing that's going on? where we stood back - knowing that despite being able to prevent it we did not do so.

If Ukraine falls, 45m people enter hell, the size of the Russian economy and tax based increases by that amount, and line Putin up with the success of his attack, for his next attack.

Also consider that China wants Taiwan, and China - which is now a dictatorship, one man only running the show - and which has no defensive need at all but has been engaging in a massive military build up for years now, is eyeing Taiwan.

We all recall the massive displays of military power and so on whenever the USA indicates support for Taiwan. We all know what has happened in Hong Kong.

We are lucky in that China is not yet ready, so the West can focus on Russia alone; and we need to get Ukraine back on its feet and Russia out BEFORE China can move. What happens when Russia and China move together? when the USA actually really cannot support Ukraine, because it's now needing to defend Taiwan?

Finally, note that Ukraine after the break-up of the Soviet Union held a very large nuclear capability and destroyed it, on the basis of guarantees of territorial integrity provided by USA, UK, Russia and others.

Nuclear proliferation is a profoundly serious issue and we have become used a world where it has happened very slowly - Pakistan developed a nuclear capability, in my memory, and that's all. Security guarantees in exchange for a country *not* developing a nuclear capability will become worthless. The more countries have nuclear weapons, the more likely it becomes they are used. We need to stay as far away as possible from that outcome.

And in all this, we have Mr. Musk arguing we should abandon Ukraine because it's smaller than Russia and Putin will not give up.

What's going on, that he would say that?

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